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Behind FrenchieYankee is David Santori, a French immigrant who moved from Paris and has lived in the U.S. since 1999.


Having spent his formative years in Paris and in the heart of the rolling Loire country, David was eventually plucked from the hustle and bustle of the City of Lights and transplanted to the heartland of the U.S., in Milwaukee, WI – aka the Paris of the Midwest <ba-dum-chhh!>.


Champagne was replaced with Miller High Life for a very brief period, yet his cheese cravings never went unsatisfied.


From the Wisconsin dairyland, to the quaint streets of Boston, and the beautiful southeast region of Charlotte, NC, Frenchie is now exploring Washington, D.C. through his Instagram feed and created 'The Other D.C.' guide to highlight the off the beaten path charming side of the city beyond and away from the tourists, monuments and the National Mall. 


David has been in the translation industry for 22 years now and is moving away from his localization strategy consultant work to start a second career as an interpreter.


He likes to drink Champagne while he irons, he also does try very hard not to be rude when addressing Americans or roll his eyes at the pessimistic and forever complaining French. His musings and captions are sprinkled with cultural idiosyncrasies meet food meets travel with a side of sarcasm, cynicism, and colorful snaps.


Whether you are looking to explore Washington with a local and unique eye**, hone your mobile photography skills, or get Instagram coaching and how to thoroughly edit photos do not hesitate to book a walk, send an e-mail or fill out the contact form.


And no, David does not own a béret! But he does own a striped sailor shirt!

Photo by Lukas North @lukasnorth
** David is a licensed tour guide with the Government of the District of Columbia

©2024 by @frenchieyankee. All rights reserved.

Photos by David Santori.

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